NACHURS Throwback is a low salt, N-P-K with sulfur liquid fertilizer manufactured by utilizing quality raw materials which provide important nutrients for maximum plant growth and development.
NACHURS Throwback® is a low salt, N-P-K with sulfur liquid fertilizer manufactured by utilizing quality raw materials which provide important nutrients for maximum plant growth and development. The quality of the raw materials used to formulate NACHURS Throwback liquid fertilizer:
Can be applied 1:1 with nitrogen solutions or alone at rates from 1-40 gal/ac. Consult your local NACHURS Sales Manager for typical rates by crop in your area.
Corn, Cotton:
1-2 gallons per acre foliar when plant phosphorus demand is high.
Small Grains (including Cereals), Dry Beans, Sugar Beets and other Row Crops:
1-2 gallons per acre foliar.
For more specific application guidelines, consult with your authorized NACHURS distributor or agronomist for fertility recommendations.
Your safety is important to us. Please click the link below to view the safety data sheet for this product or contact Technical Services: 800-622-4877.
Since 1946 growers across the country have been reaping the benefits of NACHURS liquid fertilizers on a variety of crops. Learn more in this guide.