Maximizing Fertilizer Efficiency

Simple yet effective, profitable yet sustainable.

NACHURS® liquid fertilizers is a quality brand farmers can trust. NACHURS® Bio-K® products offer the latest technology advancements farmers need to take their crops to the next level.

The key is to provide a balanced fertility program that will allow you to achieve the total benefit from your crop production acres. In the early growth stages of the corn plant there is a definite need for a combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium to set the potential for maximum yields.

Start2Finish® is the NACHURS Bio-K® system that will boost your crops to reach their maximum potential.

  • Wheat


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  • Precision Placement

    Placing exact amounts of the proper plant mineral nutrients on the plant at the times they are needed. Support early root development, which is critical to maximizing yields.


    Nutrients must be in solution and on the plant to be available.  If the nutrient is not in solution or not on the plant, it is not available.

    Our products are a true solution liquid fertilizer:

    • Each drop has the same ratio of nutrients
    • Nutrients will not settle out
    • Our fertilizers allow greater flexibility in mixing with other products.

    Low Salt

    Plants germinate through the process of osmosis. Water enters the seed from the soil. 

    In a high-salt environment the seed is challenged to get enough H2O through the seed membrane to germinate.

    Neutral pH

    In addition to a low salt level our products also have a neutral pH. This combination means our products are non-corrosive to equipment and seed safe at recommended rates. Further due to the neutral pH the product is safe to handle.

    • Low Salt + Neutral pH = Non-Corrosive
    • Low Salt + Neutral pH = Seed Safe


    Quality of raw materials must always be considered. One problem with the fertilizer industry, as a whole, is the NPK analysis is the only thing that needs to be guaranteed. The level of impurities and the raw materials used to make the product are not always disclosed. Dry phosphate can even have as much as 10,000 ppm of aluminum, while NACHURS will run closer to 5 ppm.

    We have defined specifications with all our vendors of raw materials. We choose only the highest quality raw materials to make our product with:

    • P – We use Purified Phosphoric Acid (PPA). This is the best P source available and is 100% orthophosphate. It is a clear color because it has very minimal impurities compared to other acid sources which have colors caused by impurities.
    • K – We use KOH which is low salt and a very friendly K source. It is made from the more commonly used KCL which is a high salt source of potassium.
    • N – We use a higher level of Urea than Ag grade and it has a very low level of biuret (which is toxic). Our Ammonia comes from clean sources, and is NSF60 grade (which is used in drinking water).
    • S – The form of Sulphur we use is Thio Sulfate. This is a higher quality and more soluble sulphur source than other available options.
    • Trace Elements – We chelate our micronutrients keeping them soluble in both fertilizer and the soil.

    We test all of our finished goods when they are made and retain samples for 5 years. We make all of our finished goods in small batches to ensure quality.  All of the products we sell internationally are tested for cold and hot storage for 12 months.

    Ortho versus Poly

    Polyphosphates are similar to a chain of molecules, and are too large for the plant to uptake. Plants cannot absorb and metabolize phosphates in this form. Polyphosphates have to break down into single chain links (orthophosphates) in order to become available to the plant. Generally, if liquid fertilizer is green in color, it has polyphosphates.

    Orthophosphates are in the form of a single chain link. Plants can only absorb and metabolize phosphates in this form. ‘P’ must be in the ortho form. Plants absorb P as Orthophosphate ions H2P04- and HP042-.

    Our products only contain 100% orthophosphate.

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