We are pleased to announce that our two companies are working together to deliver successful fertility programs to growers across the United States.
NACHURS is offering new NACHURS customers a Precision Planting exclusive equipment program to help offset the cost of Precision Planting liquid application equipment (up to $12,000 per grower; more details below). This high-value program is available to NACHURS customers in the continental United States.
The combination of NACHURS through Precision Planting FurrowJet has delivered positive results proven in trials at the Precision Planting Pontiac Farm in 2018. The graph below shows yield gains up to 12 bu/acre in field trials on the Pontiac, IL farm in 2018. We encourage you to learn more about all of Precision Planting’s solutions, and to contact your Precision Planting Regional Manager .
The NACHURS Precision Planting Equipment Rebate Program is open to all Precision Planting customers using NACHURS Premium and/or Specialty products, including NACHURS Bio-K and NACHURS Rhyzo-Link. These products must be purchased from a local authorized NACHURS dealer.
FurrowJet is a planter fertilizer attachment which enables in-furrow and dual-band fertilizer applications: 1 device, 3 locations.
The Equipment Rebate Program is open to all NEW Precision Planting customers using premium NACHURS products for the first time.
2021 Growing season results from Precision Planting's PTI Farm in Pontiac, IL
Download the Precision Planting Sales Map for more information.