A comprehensive liquid fertilizer system powered by Bio-K® to maximize your crop’s potential

The new NACHURS® Bio-K® system that will boost your crops to reach their maximum potential.


Generations of America’s Farmers have used NACHURS® liquid fertilizers because it is a quality brand they can trust. NACHURS® Bio-K® products offer the latest technology advancements farmers need to take their crops to the next level.

Start2Finish® is the new NACHURS® Bio-K® system that will boost your crops to reach their maximum potential. Simple yet effective, profitable yet sustainable, Start2Finish® is a comprehensive liquid fertilizer program to maximize your crop’s potential.

NACHURS® In-Furrow Starters: The Basics

Why do farmers use in-furrow starters?

  • Starter is essential for quick, more uniform emergence to help set maximum yield potential through precision placement
  • Larger root systems
  • Improve phosphorus utilization early in the season when environment is not conducive (i.e. cold, wet, low biological activity)
  • A soil test is NOT required to use a starter other than for rate determination
  • Makes a perfect carrier for other products (i.e. micronutrients, organic acids, biologicals)

Why are NACHURS in-furrow starters the BEST option?

  • Seed safe
  • Balanced N-P-K orthophosphate/Bio-K® formulations
  • Low salt
  • Non-corrosive
  • True solution
  • Dedicated/supportive staff
  • EDTA micronutrients, humic acids, and crop protection products
  • Increased efficiency due to placement
  • Clean, easy handling solutions
  • High solubility
  • Neutral pH
  • Storability

The NACHURS® Bio-K® Story

Strategic Applied Fertilizer: Reallocation

Maximizing Return on Investment (ROI) begins with prudent use of crop nutrient; placing the most effective form of nutrient at the most impactful site.

Shifting inputs from less effective products to more efficient products positioned where the plant can make better use of the input adds value to both production and spending efficiency.

When considering reallocation, one must position first all the applications that offer the greatest impact on the crop then finish up the nutrient budget with the less effective products such as broadcast dry granule fertilizers.

High impact treatments target periods in growth when nutrient is needed most or for critical activities such as establishment, early vegetation and plant vigor, sound plant structure and reproduction and finally, crop fill and maturation.

NACHURS Start2Finish program is designed to position high performance products during application periods; designed to supply nutrient during critical demand periods.

  Choose your Start2Finish Crop Program:

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