In the North Region, May turned out to be a soggy month with above-average rainfall, which made it difficult to harvest the first cutting of alfalfa. Either you cut your crop to have it rained on or your first cutting was delayed due to excess moisture. No matter what bucket you fell into, the yield and quality may not have been what you hoped for.
Source: High Plains Regional Climate Center
As we approach the 2nd and 3rd cutting of this year’s alfalfa crop, I wanted to share a couple of ideas to increase forage quality and yield.
Alfalfa has a very long taproot root system that can penetrate 20-plus feet under the right conditions. This root system is important for storing and providing the energy needed to regrow after a cutting. When we enter the month of July alfalfa can begin to slow down in growth reducing the quality and yield, this is known as the “Summer Slump”. Many factors influence the summer slump, including daytime/nighttime temperatures, the increase of respiration decreasing photosynthesis, and root reserves being depleted and not restored with a decrease of photosynthesis.
Foliar feeding alfalfa is one way to overcome the “Summer Slump.” You can apply key nutrients that focus on increasing photosynthesis allowing the plant to grow larger leaves and increase plant height which influences crop quality and yield. Alfalfa responds well to foliar applications of nutrients and is best to apply when the crop is 6” tall after a cutting.
The nutrients I focus on to increase alfalfa quality and yield late season are P, K, S, and B. Nachurs Triple Option or Nachurs K-flex would be great options paired with a micronutrient mix like Nachurs Finish Line or Nachurs MoneyBall. The key to foliar feeding is making sure Bio-K is in the tank to maximize the plant's ability to absorb the nutrients. Bio-K is Nachurs patented liquid potassium technology, which is found in Nachurs Triple Option, K-flex, and Finish Line. The Bio-K is responsible for many processes within the plant, and I feel it plays a vital role in photosynthesis. MoneyBall is a micronutrient mix built for legumes like alfalfa that contains B, Cu, Mo, Mn and marine macroalgae extract to help nitrogen fixation and nitrogen utilization within the plant.
If you are looking to avoid the “Summer Slump: and improve your alfalfa’s quality and yield, try applying Nachurs Liquid fertilizer in between cuttings this summer.
Chad Smith, Sales Agronomist US North