NACHURS CornGrow liquid fertilizer is manufactured with 100% fully EDTA chelated copper, manganese, and zinc.
NACHURS CornGrow liquid fertilizer is manufactured with 100% fully EDTA chelated copper, manganese, and zinc. Unlike other micronutrient sources such as complexes, partial chelates, and natural organic complexes, NACHURS EDTA chelated micronutrients are 100% available to the crop. Other micro sources contain too little complexing agent and undergo major chemical changes, delivering significantly less micronutrient in a form available for plant uptake. While these sources of micros may offer cost savings at first, they can actually create deficiencies for lack of availability.
Application Methods & Rates
For more specific recommendations and details, see the downloadable Product Reference Sheet below or contact an authorized NACHURS representative.
It is always recommended that a jar test be done when adding to other fertilizer or chemicals. Always read and follow the pesticide labels when considering tank mixing pesticides with fertilizer products.
General Application Rates
In-Furrow - apply 1-2 pints per acre with the seed. May be applied with any NACHURS in-furrow starter labeled for corn.
Foliar - apply 1-2 pints per acre with sufficient spray volume to ensure good coverage.
NACHURS CornGrow product may be applied by drip, sprinkler or furrow irrigation systems at a rate of 1-2 pints per acre.
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Product Information for Download
For more specific application guidelines, consult with your authorized NACHURS distributor or agronomist for fertility recommendations.